Collection of Car Crash Photographs - Part 2

The driver who was high on ecstasy and had been drinking was unhurt in this accident. Luckily for him the guard rail missed his head by inches. The photo of this wrecked Honda Accord was sent to us by a Police Officer.

Sent in by a visitor. New 2001 Beetle sandwiched between two trailers carrying half a modular home, on 9/17/01. The front truck stopped for a road block, but the rear one couldn't stop (didn't have his "Jake brake" set properly for the load he was carrying.

Darwin Award Sent in by a visitor. This car was loaded at Home Depot and parked at an IHOP. The photographer ran into a store to buy a camera to shoot it. What you can't see is the back seat, which holds 10 bags of concrete @ 80 lbs. each, estimated load weight 3,000 lbs. The rear shocks broke and burst through the floor boards.

Sent in by a police officer. Fall 2000 - Jeep Wrangler involved in wreck near Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tennessee - one passenger was ejected and killed. Notice the trend yet? Look at the outcome associated with the word "Ejected."

Sent in by a visitor from France. This parked car got slammed hard by this other car. What a pain in the butt.

Sent in by a visitor. Someone failed their high school physics, loading the cart so much that it tipped backwards. Poor Donkey!

Sent in by a fire fighter from Maryland. Porsche 911 ran off the road past a bridge ending up in a stream bed. The driver was unharmed!

Sent in by a visitor. This demonstrates the interaction of heavy and light vehicles don't mix. There were two guys in the back seat who saw that truck coming and bailed out. The driver was unable to get out in time. The truck pushed the truck 7 meters before the two escapees managed to get the drivers attention and get him to stop. The driver of the light vehicle was still inside. The front of the side wheel of the truck was about to climb over the car when the truck stopped. This was in Collie coal fields. No serious injury.

Sent in by a visitor. A 17 year old kid flipped a 1988 Ford T-Bird going over 100 mph jumping a local bridge called "Thrill Hill" on a dare. His two cousins and two friends sustained only minor injuries! 17 year olds think they are invincible. The newspaper said he flew 68 feet over the ground before landing.

Sent in by a visitor from Miami Florida in 1997. Truck side swiped the Contour, tires ran up the rear, across the roof down the passenger side before it pushed the Contour through a guard rail. Contour dropped over forty feet landing roof to roof on a Nissan, bounced off and landed on the drivers side.

Sent in by a policeman. Elderly man ran stop sign, side swiped cop car, sending it over an embankment and onto it's roof. No injuries.

Sent in by a visitor. 2001 Saturn hit by a dump truck all four survived 7/18/01. Amazing when you see the scope of all the damage done to this car.

Sent by a police officer in Israel. Not a terrorist bombing, but sure looks like one. Just bad driving.

Sent in by a visitor on 05/25/02. This happened across the street from their apartment, a Geo Tracker and a Volvo convertible.

Sent in by a visitor. This car BMW drove straight up to the top of the tunnels in Stavanger, Norway. The guy did not believe it until he took this photos of the crash.

Sent in by a Maryland fire fighter. In Germantown, MD this Mazda was broad sided by a Dodge Durango. Everyone in the Mazda was transported by helicopter to the hospital.

Sent in by a police officer. White Mitsubishi was street racing, lost it, spun sideways 500 feet, struck another car. The driver suffered serious injuries.

Sent in by a police officer. 2000 Ford Ranger pickup slid off the road and struck a utility pole. The driver was unhurt but very impaired on alcohol and Xanax.

Sent in by a visitor. Injury accident in Nashville TN on April 17, 2001. This one is crumpled up real bad!

Sent in by a police officer on 6/01. The Pathfinder was hit on I-65 South below Woodmont over-pass in Nashville, TN. The Pathfinder rolled - one passenger was ejected, died at the scene.

Sent in by a visitor. Halloween Sunday, 2004, a lady in a minivan pulled out in front of this car, sending it into a parked Chevy Blazer.