Car Insurance Discounts
We all want a bargain and insurance goes up every year. There are discounts if we can satisfy some basic criteria. Make sure you ask your agent if you qualify for any of these discounts. Here's a list of things that might get us discounts off our insurance:
In this Chapter:
1. Air Bags- The more the merrier
Some companies might discount up to 30% off Personal Injury Protection and Medical Payments coverage if the driver and passenger sides have air bags and automatic seat belts. The more air bags the vehicle has the lower the risk, hence a safer vehicle and lower rates.
2. Anti-Theft/Alarm

Some companies give discounts off the Comprehensive premium when an active anti-theft device is present. This usually means a burglar alarm. Some companies may discount more if the alarm arms itself automatically when you turn off the vehicle. This 5% discount usually does not add up to much, but combined with other discounts listed here, will certainly make a dent.
3. Anti-Lock Brakes (ABS)
f you have Anti-lock brakes (ABS), you may 5% or more off Bodily Injury and Property Damage coverage.
4. Driving School
Some companies give drivers under age 25 who complete a state approved drivers education class up to 10% off on Bodily Injury, Property Damage, Medical Payments, Personal Injury Protection and Collision coverage.
5. Safe Driver
Sometimes if you're a safe driver, usually 3 years with no points, you qualify for additional savings on different types of coverage. The insurance company will let you know. Usually on your insurance bill you'll see something that says "Your premium reflects the maximum discount allowed for safe driver."
6. Multi-Car or Home & Car
If you insure 2 or more vehicles on the same policy some companies may give you a discount. They may be equally generous if you have your home and both cars insured with them as well.
7. Safe Vehicle
Some insurance companies classify certain cars as "Safe Cars," meaning there's statistical data to suggest that there's less risk of injury by way of design, air bags ABS, etc. Find out if your car qualifies for this discount.